About the site

This is the open-source “fork”, sort of, to the original Reddit post which was made to organize the clips of voice teacher Selene Da Silva (since the platform clyp.it does not allow convenient viewing of a user’s full list of works). Some older clips of Selene’s will not be found here due to them being considerably out-of-date with the teacher’s current practices. If you really want to see those regardless, they’re available at the very bottom of her Clyp profile (after a lot of scrolling).

The in-depth guide is adapted from this Reddit comment by Selene da Silva.

The introduction featured on the main page is adapted from this Reddit comment by u/Cosmic_Marmalade.

Background info

The perceptual model (also known as the size/weight model or the Gestalt Voice Model) was developed by Clover Grigsby and Zheanna Erose, who are part of TransVoiceLessons.

Selene Da Silva is the founder of Vox Nova, and works alongside Clover and Zheanna as an instructor for TVL’s group courses.

You can find the TVL YouTube channel here, and you can find Selene and Clover’s server here.